The most important skill you can develop when trying to attract women
When it comes to attracting women of a certain beauty or character it’s much more a chess game than anything else. You need to not only make the right moves in the moment as things are happening but also have the foresight to guide the interaction to reach the end goal you are looking for. Too many Australian pick up artists focus on what to do in the here and now, or memorize canned lines, and are surprised when that they are able to do well up until a certain point in the interaction and then lose all control. You truly do need to be operating on two different wave lengths while guiding and almost chauffeuring the interaction to the end that you’re looking for. Here are a couple of tips.
Outline your goals in advance
Before you even think to step foot in the field, come up with a list of your goals for the night. Do you want to approach a certain amount of women in a set amount of time, collect a specific amount of numbers, or go home with at least one girl at the end of the night? All of these will require different strategies, and until you have them written down and outline you’ll be floundering around. You don’t have to stick to them in a ridged fashion. A great example on how to do things out of many are here: Australian pick up artists.
Continue to push to the end
Oftentimes Australian pick up artists will get into a set with a specific goal and then get cold feet – or stop short of their target and settle for something less. Don’t be one of those guys – push till the end and accomplish what you set out to do or flame out. Either way you’re going to gain an amazing amount of experience that you can draw on later.
Know when to quit
If you see something isn’t working out in your specific set, no when to drop them and move along. Often this kind of power play will have an attractive effect on the women that were just blowing you out, and it will be seen as a move of higher value. You’re here to accomplish something, and every group that slows you down should be cut out and jump started somewhere else. Just don’t be surprised if you get a positive reaction from the girls you just bailed on, even if they weren’t picking up what you were putting down.